Thursday, September 27, 2012

PR Thursdays!

Thursday's mean Project Runway in my world. This is one of my reality favs! Ive watched it since the very first episode of the very first season, and I absolutely love it!
Much like last night, Im watching as Im typing. But not feeling all that "chatty" be honest. But I absolutely couldn't let tonight go by without at the very least mentioning my "PR Thursdays"! Lol! Normally I would have a lot to say about my Tim Gunn (love, love, LOVE that man!!) and all the other pure fabulousness that is Project Runway. But Im a little "spent" my sincerest apologies.
I will return when the day's a little brighter and Im a little more...well...ALERT. Lol! So here's all I've got for tonight: I feel sorry for the designers, in particular, Chris. And I say that because Im a Chris fan, and the mother that he's having to work with tonight, seems to be kind of a nightmare! Im just hoping he survives another round because we're getting kinda close to the end! And Im sure, in pure PR fashion (so to speak! LOL), the finale will be grand and glorious! And as of tonight (being that I tend to change my mind and "jump teams" alot)....Im still on Team Chris.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ill Start With The Obvious...

I will start this blog and get it going in an "official" kind of way, by starting with one of the most obvious of all...Survivor! I say the "most obvious" not to undermean it in any way, but that it is obvious in that it has a very large fan base and is one of the more popular primetime reality series. 
Now, I will have to be honest here, I did drop off the Survivor band-wagon for a couple years. I just kind of got tired of "the whole thing", if you can understand that. But, this season I decided to rejoin much of the nation and give it another go!
This wont be a play by play of tonight's episode, although I am literally watching it as I type this. So I'll just make a few comments and move on to the next! Lol! Im surprised to see Lisa Welchel (if I spelled that wrong, Ms. Lisa, I truly apologize! Lol!) playing this season! For those of you "youngsters" who may not be aware, Lisa played a popular character named "Blair" in an 80's television classic called "The Facts of Life". I absolutely loved the show so I know all about the Blair character. And I can tell you this much, Blair would NOT last the pure brutality that is Survivor! Lol! I didn't want to put Ms. Lisa in a sterotypical box and align her actual self with her, in other words, I wanted to keep an open mind and see how the real LISA played the game. But from the few times I've seen her tonight, it seems she's already starting to buckle under the pressure, much as I'm sure Blair would do as well...
The episode just wrapped up and I'll have to say I'm kind of surprised by the vote tonight! I mean, it was clearly a 50/50 shot on who would go home. But at tribal counsel?? Come on! Its one thing to say blonde boobs (I'm truly sorry...I honestly cant remember her name right now! Lol!) totally had a target on her back because of her clear and forming "showmance" with Malcom. But that "cookie answer" she gave Jeff....what the hell was that?!? Lol! I have to give it up to Roxy. She brought up some good points. Its just too bad it seems Im the only one who was listening! Sorry Roxy!
Well thats it for this one this week. And just as I stated earlier, I'm literally moving on to the next! More of this "YOUR next favorite blog" shortly! Lol! Sorry...that was just a shameless (yet way for me to try and begin my accent into forming that fan-base of my own. Lol.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Talk Show "Drugs of Choice"

Now as I said in my previous post: Im scattered all over the place when it comes to which Reality shows I watch. Im hopelessly devoted to some, and will see others only on a casual reality "booty calls", so to speak...LOL! So here are a few of those that have made my "Watchlist". And since we're currently in the light of day...Ill start with my favorite "Talk Show Men". I have 4 of them that I see on a DAILY basis:
#1) Steve Wilkos

Steve is by far my favorite. I try to watch him every single morning and rarely miss an episode. For me, it has just the right amount of drama and entertainment. Just what I look for in a talk show.
#2) Maury
I will go ahead and admit that nothing beats the DNA test shows! To hear those words: "you are NOT the father" and all the drama that comes behind it....whats not to love about Maury?!?
#3) Jeremy Kyle
Now, Jeremy's a lil newer to the scene than my other 3 boys...but I like him just the same! I think it was the hard-core British accent, tough exterior, and his "no nonsense" approach to how he talks to his CRAZY guests that drew me to him.
#4) Jerry Springer
And last, but certainly not least, "Jerry...Jerry...Jerry"! Lol! Although I will admit I dont watch Jerry nearly as often as I did back in the 90's, I still do catch his "balls out" programming every once in awhile! If for nothing else, for a good laugh every now and then! To this one can quite compare to the guests Jerry has on his show! So I must pay homage to the man who, in a way, started it all!
So those are my 4 Talk Show Giants. I wanted to start with them because they are usually who I wake up to every morning. I probably wont have as much to "report" about these shows as they dont stir up much "inner conversation" for me like my other Reality shows. But Im sure I will occasionally make mention of a particularly interesting episode...or will have a comment or two when I wanna make fun of a guest....and that can be from any one of the above shows...depends on the day! 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

So This Is How Its Gonna Go....

Been trying to decide exactly how I want to do this. Not just which shows I wanna write about, but also how I want to write about these shows that consume my very existance! And some days people...that is so not an exaggeration. Catch me on the right day, under the right circumstances, with the right channel, and the right marathon....if I got the time, honey I am THERE! Okay, so lets just get right into it here. Im gonna just tell you a little about that "how" I wanna write first:
  •     The reality shows I watch are from all different genres. I dont just watch the competetive-game type shows and I dont just watch the housewives, models, and aspiring singers type shows either! I do a little bit of everything to be quite honest. I am a die hard fan of some that I will never miss an episode of and will literally work my schedule around just to make sure Im watching it on time. And then Ive got others that I enjoy watching...but only casually, semi-sparatically...but still love and enjoy very much!
  •     I get my reality tv fix from many different channels....all my "dealers", so to speak! BRAVO is a real popular one with me. But by no means the only one I watch. I watch VH1, E!, Lifetime, A&E, and of course, the Network Giants: Fox, ABC, NBC, and CBS. And u also never know when some "random" one pops up on some oddball channel Ive hardly ever even heard of! So I'll be a little "all over the place" as far as that goes.
  •     Obviously this will be written from MY point of view (Duh!). So all play by plays and all observations are strictly that: MY opinion. I know some people can actually get really offended when you "dont like" or "say something negetive about" one of thier favorite "cast members" on THEIR SHOW! So please just know...dont take it personally, okay? Yes, I will be brutally blunt, have a never at a loss for words type attitude, and will get on my soapbox and tell you exactly how I see it...but thats just it! Its only my opinion! I want this to be fun and maybe even a lil informative...but ALWAYS, at the very least, just entertaining!
  •      I obviously will let you know some of the shows I watch, or plan to watch, am thinking about watching, etc. If anyone happens to read this (I imagine in my mind a tremendous following one and theres one of your reality shows not on my list that you think maybe I should check out, by all means PLEASE let me know!!
  •      Would also love the feedback! The good, the bad, and the ugly! Lol! Any comments, discussions, or even "mini-debates" are welcome and encouraged!

So here goes nothing! I really do hope this to be as fun as I have it set up to be in my head right now. LOL! Preview for next post: that lil list of some of the shows Ill be blogging about! :)